The Beauty Oracle deck has been created to connect you with your true self, the being you came here to be fully and completely. Beyond everything, we are all born connected, but as life, and its influences and its experiences take over, we slowly become disconnected. In order to connect with one’s true self, it is imperative to check in with your mind, body, & spirit, because everything as we know it, is all connected. Science has proven that it only takes one of our four bodies, the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual body, to be off, for the whole of us to be affected. Included in the whole of your existence and also largely affected by an imbalance of self, is your beauty, or your inner belief of yourself and the way in which you view your existence. Therefore there are four suits in this deck which include; Mind, Beauty, Spirit, & Body, all designed to bring you insight from these different aspects of you.